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                            省长 吴亦侠


  第一条 根据《中华人民共和国契税暂行条例》(以下简称《条例》),结合本省实际,制定本办法。

  第二条 在本省行政区域内转移土地、房屋权属,承受的单位和个人为契税的纳税人,应当依照《条例》、《中华人民共和国契税暂行条例细则》(以下简称《细则》)及本办法的规定缴纳契税。

  第三条 契税征收机关为财政机关。

  第四条 转移土地、房屋权属是指下列行为:

  第五条 土地、房屋权属转移除《细则》第八条规定的情形外,以土地使用权作为条件联建房屋的,按土地使用权转让征税。

  第六条 契税税率为3%。

  第七条 契税的计税依据:

  第八条 契税应纳税额计算公式为:

  第九条 承受土地、房屋权属,有下列情形之一的,减征或免征契税:

  第十条 经批准减征、免征契税的纳税人改变原有土地、房屋的用途,不再属于减征、免征契税范围的,应当补缴已经减征、免征的税款。

  第十一条 契税的纳税义务发生时间,为纳税人签订土地、房屋权属转移合同的当天,或者纳税人取得具有法律效力的契约、协议、单据、确认书、赠与文书的当天。

  第十二条 纳税人应当自纳税义务发生之日起10日内向土地、房屋所在地的契税征收机关办理纳税申报,并自纳税申报之日起30日内缴纳税款。

  第十三条 纳税人持契税完税凭证和其他规定的文件材料,依法向土地、房产管理部门办理有关土地、房屋的权属变更登记手续。

  第十四条 土地、房产管理部门应定期向征收机关提供办理土地、房屋变更登记时土地、房屋转移价格及转移时间等资料,并协助征收机关依法征税。

  第十五条 房地产经营者应按征收机关的要求提供与征税有关的资料,征收机关应对取得的资料保守秘密。

  第十六条 根据征收管理的需要,征收机关可以委托土地、房产管理部门代征契税。委托代征时,征收机关应向代征单位颁发委托代征证书,并按财政部的规定付给代征手续费。

  第十七条 征收机关按实征税额的10%提取征收经费,按规定的使用范围专款专用。具体办法由省财政厅制定。

  第十八条 纳税人逾期不办理纳税申报或者未在指定的纳税期限内缴纳税款,由征收机关依照《中华人民共和国税收征收管理法》的有关条款处罚。

  第十九条 土地、房产管理部门为未出具契税完税凭证的纳税人办理土地、房屋权属变更登记手续,使契税流失的,征收机关工作人员在征收契税时玩忽职守、滥用职权、徇私舞弊的,由其上级主管部门或所在单位依法给予行政处分;情节严重,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。

  第二十条 本办法自发布之日起施行。本省过去有关契税征收的规定同时废止。本办法施行前已签订房地产权属转移合同的,仍按原规定执行。




第一条 为了明确食糖产品质量责任,促进企业提高食糖产品质量和经济效益,加速制糖工业生产的发展,根据国家有关产品质量监督管理的法律规定,结合我省的具体情况,特制定本办法。
第二条 各级标准计量管理局和企业主管部门必须严格执行国家、省产(商)品质量监督管理的有关规定,加强对糖厂的质量管理工作,保证产品质量。
第三条 生产企业要建立健全质量管理机构和质量保证体系,负责对本企业的产品质量进行监督管理,以及推行全面质量管理工作。日生产能力一千吨以上的大型糖厂应设立质量管理科(股),日生产能力一千吨以下的中小型糖厂,应当按糖厂定员编制配足质量管理人员。
第四条 实行产品出厂检验制度。未经检验合格的产品不许出厂,批号产品出厂必须有质检员签发的产品合格证。产品包装内必须放置合格标志卡,并注明厂名、生产日期、编户、编号数量、质检员代号。外包装上必须注明厂名、编号、产品等级和重量。
第五条 白砂糖执行“GB317—84”,赤砂糖执行“QB532—67”。产品按实际等级定价,严禁以次充好,弄虚作假,欺骗国家和用户。
第六条 白砂糖以每分密一罐糖为一个编号,编号糖按“GB317—84”取样检验或者仲裁。编号样一式二份,一份供糖厂化验室进行成品分析检验,另一份以双层食品塑料袋包装成小包,并注明生产日期、产品编号和产量,以便监督检验。
第七条 全省食糖的质量监督检验任务由省产品质量监督检验所承担。质量监督检验样品由当地标准计量管理局从质检员和驻厂员每天采集的编号样中任意抽取六个编号样,并从当月全部日集合样中采集月集合样一式二份,按第六条规定密封,送省产品质量监督检验所。省产品质量监
第八条 产品按批号交货,同时提交该批产品的化验单。经销部门如对该批产品质量有异议,可以向当地标准计量管理局提出进行质量仲裁检验;经当地标准计量管理局仲裁检验后仍有异议的,可以向省标准计量管理局提出申诉,由省标准计量管理局作出质量最终判定。
第九条 产品的监督检验费用由糖厂支付。经销部门对产品质量有异议而要求检验的,检验费先由经销部门支付;如检验结果与糖厂出厂检验结果相符,检验费由经销部门支付,反之,则由糖厂支付。检验收费标准按有关规定执行。
第十条 糖厂必须建立健全各种检验记录和质量报表。产品质量报表应当按时报送省标准计量管理局、省工业厅以及当地有关部门。如在生产中发生重大产品质量事故(即连续六个编号不合格者),应当详细填写事故报告表,于事故发生后七日内上报,由省标准计量管理局会同企业主
第十一条 达到以下规定之一者,企业主管部门应当给予奖励:
第十二条 在榨季生产中有下列行为之一者,由当地标准计量管理局按《海南省标准化与产(商)品质量监督管理规定(试行)》第四章罚则进行处罚:
第十三条 各级质量检验机构必须对出具的检验报告负责。在食糖质量监督管理工作中,如发现有弄虚作假、以权谋私等行为的单位或者个人,由省标准计量管理局根据情节轻重予以通报,主管部门应当按国家有关规定对责任单位负责人和责任人给予行政处分;触犯刑律的,由司法机
第十四条 本办法由省标准计量管理局负责解释。
第十五条 本办法自发布之日起施行。



交通部 商务部






交通部部长 张春贤

商务部部长 薄熙来



第一条 为规范对外商在中国境内设立外商投资企业从事国际海上运输业务以及与国际海上运输相关的辅助性经营业务的管理,保护中外投资者的合法权益,根据《中华人民共和国国际海运条例》(以下简称《海运条例》)和中华人民共和国外商投资的有关法律、行政法规,制定本规定。

第二条 外商在中国境内投资经营国际海上运输业务以及与国际海上运输相关的辅助性经营业务(以下简称国际海运业),适用本规定。

第三条 中华人民共和国交通部和商务部及其授权的部门负责外商在中华人民共和国境内投资设立经营国际海运业的外商投资企业的审批和管理工作。

第四条 经交通部和商务部批准,允许外商采用以下形式投资经营国际海运业:




第五条 设立外商投资国际船舶运输企业,需符合如下条件:





第六条 设立外商投资企业经营国际船舶运输业务,应当首先根据《海运条例》及《中华人民共和国海运条例实施细则》(以下简称《海运条例实施细则》)的规定向交通部提出申请,经交通部许可后,申请人应根据国家外商投资法律、行政法规的规定,凭交通部的许可文件向商务部提交本规定第十五条规定的文件,到商务部办理外商投资企业的设立审批手续,取得《外商投资企业批准证书》。



第七条 设立外商投资国际船舶代理企业,需符合如下条件:




第八条 设立外商投资企业经营国际船舶代理业务,应当首先根据《海运条例》及《海运条例实施细则》的规定向交通部提出申请,经交通部许可后,申请人应根据国家外商投资法律、行政法规的规定,凭交通部的许可文件向商务部提交本规定第十五条规定的文件,到商务部办理外商投资企业的设立审批手续,取得《外商投资企业批准证书》。



第九条 设立外商投资国际船舶管理企业,需具备下列条件:



第十条 设立外商投资企业经营国际船舶管理业务,应当根据《海运条例》及《海运条例实施细则》的规定向交通部提出申请,经交通部许可后,申请人凭交通部的许可文件并提交本规定第十五条规定的材料,根据国家有关外商投资的法律、行政法规的规定向企业所在地省级人民政府商务主管部门办理《外商投资企业批准证书》。


第十一条 设立外商投资企业经营国际海运集装箱站和堆场业务、国际海运货物仓储,应当根据《海运条例》及《海运条例实施细则》的规定向交通部提出申请,经交通部许可后,申请人凭交通部的许可文件并提交本规定第十五条规定的材料,根据国家有关外商投资的法律、行政法规的规定向企业所在地省级人民政府商务主管部门办理《外商投资企业批准证书》。



第十二条 对已经设立的外商投资企业申请增加经营国际海运或国际海运辅助性业务,应当按照本规定中设立相关外商投资国际海运企业的程序办理相应手续。



第十三条 外国航运公司可以设立中外合资、中外合作、外商独资企业,为投资者拥有或者经营的船舶提供承揽货物、代签提单、代结运费、代签服务合同等日常业务服务,其申请设立程序依照交通部与商务部联合发布的外商独资船务公司审批管理的有关规定办理。

第十四条 在中国境内的外商投资企业经营无船承运业务,应依照《海运条例》及《海运条例实施细则》的规定,向交通部申请登记取得《无船承运业务经营资格登记证》,并依照外商投资的有关法律、行政法规的规定,到商务部办理审批手续。

第十五条 申请人向交通部提出申请,应当提交《海运条例》及《海运条例实施细则》规定的材料;向商务部或其授权部门提出申请的,应向审批机关提交如下材料:

(一) 申请书;

(二) 可行性研究报告;





第十六条 中国香港特别行政区、澳门特别行政区和台湾地区的投资者在中国其他省、自治区和直辖市投资设立国际海运及其国际海运辅助企业,参照本规定办理。

第十七条 根据国务院批准的《内地与香港关于建立更紧密经贸关系的安排》、《内地与澳门关于建立更紧密经贸关系的安排》及其附件的有关规定,自2004年1月1日起,允许香港和澳门的服务提供者在内地设立独资企业经营国际船舶管理、国际海运货物仓储、国际海运集装箱站和堆场、无船承运业务;允许香港和澳门的服务提供者在内地设立独资船务公司,为其拥有或者经营的船舶提供揽货、签发提单、结算运费、签订服务合同等日常业务服务。

第十八条 本规定由交通部和商务部负责解释。

第十九条 本规定自2004年5月1日起施行。


(Promulgated by Decree No. 1 of the Ministry of Communications and the Ministry of Commerce on March 2nd, 2004, and effective as of June 1st, 2004)

Article 1 These Provisions are formulated in accordance with the Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on International Maritime Transportation (hereinafter referred to as the Maritime Transportation Regulations) and the relevant laws and administrative regulations of the People’s Republic of China on foreign investment, for the purposes of regulating the establishment of foreign-funded enterprises by foreign investors to engage in international maritime transportation business and auxiliary business relating thereto and safeguarding the lawful rights and interests of Chinese and foreign investors.

Article 2 These Provisions are applicable to the investment in and operation of international maritime transportation business and auxiliary businesses relating thereto (hereinafter referred to as international maritime transportation) by foreign investors within the territory of China.

Article 3 The Ministry of Communications and the Ministry of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China as well as their authorized agencies are responsible for the approval and administration of the establishment of foreign-funded enterprises within the territory of the People’s Republic of China by foreign investors to engage in international maritime transportation.

Article 4 With the approval of the Ministry of Communications and the Ministry of Commerce, a foreign investor may invest in and operate international maritime transportation in the following forms:

(1) to establish a Chinese-foreign equity joint venture or a Chinese-foreign contractual joint venture to engage in international shipping services, international shipping agency services, international ship management services, loading and unloading of international shipments and international maritime container freight station and container yard services;

(2) to establish a Chinese-foreign equity joint venture, a Chinese-foreign contractual joint venture or a wholly foreign-owned enterprise to engage in international maritime cargo warehousing services;

(3) to establish a Chinese-foreign equity joint venture, a Chinese-foreign contractual joint venture or a wholly foreign-owned enterprise to offer routine services for the vessels owned or operated by the investor.

Article 5 A foreign-funded international shipping enterprise to be established shall meet the following conditions:

(1) having vessels suitable for employment in international maritime transportation, among which there must be vessels of Chinese nationality;

(2) vessels under employment shall be in compliance with the technical standards for maritime traffic safety as set forth by the State;

(3) having bills of lading, passenger tickets or multimodal transportation documents;

(4) having senior executives with the professional qualifications as set forth by the Ministry of Communications;

(5) in case of establishing a Chinese-foreign equity joint venture or a Chinese-foreign contractual joint venture, the proportion of investment made by foreign investors shall not exceed 49%;

(6) the chairperson of the board of directors and the general manager shall be appointed by the Chinese side after consultation between the both sides;

(7) other conditions specified by laws or administrative regulations.

Article 6 Where anyone is to establish a foreign-funded enterprise to engage in international shipping services, it shall firstly make an application to the Ministry of Communications in accordance with the provisions of the Maritime Transportation Regulations and the Implementing Rules of the Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on International Maritime Transportation (hereinafter referred to as the Implementing Rules of the Maritime Transportation Regulations); if such application is approved by the Ministry of Communications, the applicant shall, in accordance with the laws and administrative regulations on foreign investment of the State and on the strength of the approval document issued by the Ministry of Communications, go through the approval procedures for establishing a foreign-funded enterprise with the Ministry of Commerce by submitting the documents specified in Article 15 of these Provisions and obtain the Approval Certificate for Foreign-funded Enterprise.

The applicant shall, by presenting the approval document issued by the Ministry of Communications, the Approval Certificate for Foreign-funded Enterprise issued by the Ministry of Commerce and other relevant documents, go through the industrial and commercial registration formalities with the administrative department for industry and commerce according to law and obtain the business license.

After the establishment of a foreign-funded international shipping enterprise, the applicant shall, by presenting the business license issued by the administrative department for industry and commerce, apply to the Ministry of Communications for obtaining the Permit for Operation of International Shipping Services. Only those that have obtained such Permit may engage international shipping services.

Article 7 A foreign-funded international shipping agency enterprise to be established shall meet the following conditions:

(1) having at least two senior executives with no less than three years’ experience in international maritime transportation business operations. The term “senior executives” refers to Chinese citizens who have secondary or higher technical or academic titles and serve as department managers or above in enterprises engaging in international maritime transportation business or the auxiliary business relating thereto;

(2) having a fixed place of business and necessary business facilities, including the ability to have electronic data interchange (EDI) with ports, the Customs and other departments;

(3) in case of establishing a Chinese-foreign equity joint venture or a Chinese-foreign contractual joint venture, the proportion of investment made by foreign investors shall not exceed 49%;

(4) other conditions specified by laws or administrative regulations.

Article 8 Where anyone is to establish a foreign-funded enterprise to engage in international shipping agency services, it shall firstly make an application to the Ministry of Communications in accordance with the provisions of the Maritime Transportation Regulations and the Implementing Rules of the Maritime Transportation Regulations; if such application is approved by the Ministry of Communications, the applicant shall, in accordance with the laws and administrative regulations on foreign investment of the State and on the strength of the approval document issued by the Ministry of Communications, go through the approval procedures for establishing a foreign-funded enterprise with the Ministry of Commerce by submitting the documents specified in Article 15 of these Provisions and obtain the Approval Certificate for Foreign-funded Enterprise.

The applicant shall, by presenting the approval document issued by the Ministry of Communications, the Approval Certificate for Foreign-funded Enterprise issued by the Ministry of Commerce and other relevant documents, go through the industrial and commercial registration formalities with the administrative department for industry and commerce according to law and obtain the business license.

After the establishment of a foreign-funded international shipping agency enterprise, the applicant shall, by presenting the business license issued by the administrative department for industry and commerce, apply to the Ministry of Communications for obtaining the Registration for Operation of International Shipping Agency Services. Only those that have obtained such Registration may engage international shipping agency services.

Article 9 A foreign-funded international ship management enterprise to be established shall meet the following conditions:

(1) having at least two senior executives with no less than three years’ experience in international maritime transportation business operations;

(2) having staff members in possession of master’s or chief engineer’s documents of competence that are commensurate with the types of vessels under their management and the navigation zones;

(3) having the equipment or facilities commensurate with the international ship management services.

Article 10 Where anyone is to establish a foreign-funded enterprise to engage in international ship management services, it shall firstly make an application to the Ministry of Communications in accordance with the provisions of the Maritime Transportation Regulations and the Implementing Rules of the Maritime Transportation Regulations; if such application is approved by the Ministry of Communications, the applicant shall, in accordance with the laws and administrative regulations on foreign investment of the State and on the strength of the approval document issued by the Ministry of Communications, go through the approval procedures for obtaining the Approval Certificate for Foreign-funded Enterprise with the competent commerce administration department of the people’s government of the province where such enterprise is to be located by submitting the documents specified in Article 15 of these Provisions.

After the establishment of a foreign-funded international ship management enterprise, the applicant shall, by presenting the business license issued by the administrative department for industry and commerce, apply to the competent communications administration department of the people’s government of the province where such enterprise is located for obtaining the Registration for Operation of Auxiliary Businesses Relating to International Maritime Transportation. Only those that have obtained such Registration may engage in international ship management services.

Article 11 Where anyone is to establish a foreign-funded enterprise to engage in international maritime container freight station and container yard services or international maritime cargo warehousing services, it shall firstly make an application to the Ministry of Communications in accordance with the provisions of the Maritime Transportation Regulations and the Implementing Rules of the Maritime Transportation Regulations; if such application is approved by the Ministry of Communications, the applicant shall, in accordance with the laws and administrative regulations on foreign investment of the State and on the strength of the approval document issued by the Ministry of Communications, go through the approval procedures for obtaining the Approval Certificate for Foreign-funded Enterprise with the competent commerce administration department of the people’s government of the province where such enterprise is to be located by submitting the documents specified in Article 15 of these Provisions.

After the establishment of a foreign-funded enterprise engaging in international maritime container freight station and container yard services or international maritime cargo warehousing services, the applicant shall, by presenting the business license issued by the administrative department for industry and commerce, apply to the competent communications administration department of the people’s government of the province where such enterprise is located for obtaining the Registration for Operation of Auxiliary Businesses Relating to International Maritime Transportation. Only those that have obtained such Registration may engage in the relevant services.

The establishment of a foreign-funded enterprise engaging in loading and unloading of international shipments shall be governed by the relevant provisions of the State.

Article 12 Where an established foreign-funded enterprise applies to add international maritime transportation business or the auxiliary business relating thereto to its business scope, it shall go through the corresponding formalities in accordance with the procedures for establishing a foreign-funded enterprise engaging in specific international maritime transportation businesses set forth in these Provisions.

Where an established foreign-funded enterprise engaging in international maritime transportation is to establish branches, it shall go through the corresponding formalities with the Ministry of Communications and the Ministry of Commerce or their authorized agencies in accordance with the laws and administrative regulations on foreign investment of the State, the Maritime Transportation Regulations and the Implementing Rules of the Maritime Transportation Regulations.

Where an established foreign-funded enterprise engaging in international maritime transportation is to modify the essential contents such as investment contribution, structure of the shares or scope of business of its contact of joint venture or articles of association, it shall go through the corresponding formalities with the Ministry of Commerce or its authorized agencies in accordance with the laws and administrative regulations on foreign investment of the State. Any modification to the matters specified in Article 21 of the Implementing Rules of the Maritime Transportation Regulations shall be filed with the Ministry of Communications for the record.

Article 13 A foreign company engaging in shipping may establish a Chinese-foreign equity joint venture, Chinese-foreign contractual joint venture or wholly foreign-owned enterprise to offer such routine services as canvassing of cargoes, issuance of bills of lading, settlement of freight and signing of service contracts for the vessels owned or operated by investors. The procedures for establishment application of such an enterprise shall be governed by the relevant provisions jointly issued by the Ministry of Communications and the Ministry of Commerce on approval of establishment of wholly foreign-owned shipping companies.

Article 14 Where a foreign-funded enterprise within the territory of China is to engage in non-vessel-operating services, it shall, in accordance with the provisions of the Maritime Transportation Regulations and the Implementing Rules of the Maritime Transportation Regulations, make an application to the Ministry of Communications for registration and obtaining the Registration of Non-vessel-operating Services Qualification, and go through the approval formalities with the Ministry of Commerce in accordance with the relevant laws and administrative regulations on foreign investment of the State.

Article 15 Where an applicant makes an application to the Ministry of Communications, it shall submit the documents specified in the Maritime Transportation Regulations and the Implementing Rules of the Maritime Transportation Regulations. Where an applicant makes an application to the Ministry of Commerce or its authorized agencies, he shall submit the following documents:

(1) the letter of application;

(2) the feasibility study report;

(3) the contract of the joint venture and the articles of association of the company (in case of a wholly foreign-owned company, the articles of association of the company only);

(4) the registration certificate and credit-standing certificate of investors;

(5) the identity certification of the chairperson of the board of directors and the general manager of the enterprise to be established;

(6) other documents required by laws or administrative regulations.

Article 16 These Provisions are mutatis mutandis applicable to the establishment of enterprises engaging in international maritime transportation and the auxiliary services relating thereto in other provinces, autonomous regions or municipalities directly under the Central Government by the investors form Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Macao Special Administrative Region or Taiwan region.

Article 17 In accordance with the relevant provisions of the Mainland and Hong Kong Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement, the Mainland and Macao Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement and their Annexes, from January 1st, 2004, service suppliers from Hong Kong or Macao may established a wholly Hong Kong or Macao-owned enterprise in Chinese mainland to engage in international ship management services, international maritime cargo warehousing, international maritime container freight station and container yard services, and non-vessel-operating services; they may also establish a wholly Hong Kong or Macao-owned shipping company in Chinese mainland to offer such routine services as canvassing of cargoes, issuance of bills of lading, settlement of freight and signing of service contracts for their owned or operated vessels.

Article 18 The Ministry of Communications and the Ministry of Commerce are responsible for the interpretation of these Provisions.

Article 19 These Provisions shall take effect as of June 1st, 2004.